Marina Abramović presents Alessia Bulgari’s “Little Ones” at the Italian Cultural Institute in London

8 Marzo 2017

Alessia Bulgari’s new book, Little Ones, a collection of her indelible photographs of children, will be the focus of an event hosted by the Italian Cultural Institute in London that will benefit the Italian nonprofit she co-founded and serves as president, Pianoterra. Her close friend Marina Abramović, who collaborated with her in developing the concept for the book and contributed a foreword to it, will join Alessia for a discussion of the project.

The event – to begin at 7 pm on March 14 at the Italian Cultural Institute, 39, Belgrave Square – will also feature an exhibit of selected photos from the book. Printed in a limited edition, they will be sold at the event. All proceeds from the sale of photos and the book will support Pianoterra’s work.

The photos in the book were taken over the course of many years, in five very different countries. What unifies them is a single subject: children, in all their states of being. This is not a subject that the photographer deliberately set out to document. Rather, she found herself drawn, again and again, to children, and eventually came to perceive that the source of her consuming interest in them is their mysterious otherness – the fact that their experience of the reality we adults cohabit with them is so dramatically different from ours.

The stunning photos in Little Ones, in rich black and white, brim with vitality. To gaze at them is, as Marina reflects, to reconnect with the child we used to be.

Published by Trolley Books, in London, Little Ones is closely linked to the work of Pianoterra, which designs and delivers a range of services in Naples and Rome to help at-risk mothers and children flourish. Its aim is to prevent serious health and developmental problems that can harm poor families, sometimes with consequences for generations to come. Its focused, multidisciplinary approach is achieving remarkable results.

For further information, please contact us at You can also book your attendance at this link.